Make sure you have:

  1. Paraphrased correctly and included a reference to clearly indicate the parts of your work that are drawn from another person’s work. You must clearly indicate which part of your work is drawn from somewhere else. Paraphrasing is when you use what someone else has said or written, but you write it in your own words. If you paraphrase you must include an in-text citation so the reader can locate the source.
  2. Used direct quotations sparingly. Carefully selected quotations add to the points you are making, but they don’t, in themselves, add to the quality of your work. Put another way, if you submitted an essay made up entirely of quotations from other sources you would probably gain a low or zero mark. It is fine to occasionally quote other people, and it is expected that you do – but make sure you provide your own contribution or viewpoint. It is your work that earns you marks. Direct quotes are generally put in italics and should always be put inside quotation marks. Longer quotes can be indented so they stand apart from the main body of the text. Each quote must be followed by an in- text citation.
  3. Provided a reference for every image, diagram or figure (unless you created it). Creation is when you produce something new. If you edit an existing item it would still need to be referenced.
  4. Included a reference list of all work cited. Make sure you understand what type of referencing protocol you are required to follow for your unit. For text based assessments you will usually need to include in-text citations and a reference list that gives the full details of the source material. For visual based artefacts or portfolios you will usually need to include a reference list that gives the full details

of the sources that you referred to when creating your work, anything that you have used and modified must be listed.

  1. Keep a copy of the original sources that you have referenced. Always keep your work and the original reference together. Losing the original source of the information is poor academic practice, and it means you might end up submitting work without a reference; or, you might end up submitting it with the wrong reference. You could, at any time, be required to produce the original source for comparison.
  2. NOT used copy and paste to take text from another source (unless it is a direct quote and you reference it). This is VERY important. If you copy and paste from a source and fail to reference it properly then you have plagiarised. It doesn’t matter whether you did this intentionally or not. Depending on the circumstances of the case, plagiarism may be treated as academic misconduct where serious penalties can apply.
  3. NOT used another student’s work, or submitted someone’s work as your own. Often students are encouraged to work together, to cooperate by sharing ideas and understandings. However, individual assessments (where your name is the only name on the cover sheet) are meant to be your own work. Copying from someone else’s work is plagiarism and serious penalties can apply. Do not allow anyone else to submit your work as their own: this is collusion which is considered academic misconduct. If you have found yourself in a situation where you have considered copying other work, it may be because you are having problems with time management or you have found the assessment difficult. In these cases it is far better to seek assistance from teaching staff or to ask for an extension to submit your work at a later date. This is a better outcome than being accused of committing a plagiarism offence.
  4. NOT copied from a previous assignment submitted to this or any other unit.

(The checklist is adapted from Curtin University, Australia).